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Why your shower head’s flow rate matters?

Why the flow rate of your showerhead matters UPDATE: The REES Scheme ended on Decemeber 31st 2020. FREE LED globes, showerheads and Standby Power Controllers are only available to Priority Group household. Non-Priority Group households can receive the service by paying the $33 REPS Surcharge. We would all love a long hot shower without feeling…

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SA Government’s REES can mean FREE LED Globes for your home

SA Government’s REES can mean FREE LED Globes for your home UPDATE: The REES Scheme ended on December 31st 2020. FREE LED globes, showerheads and Standby Power Controllers are only available to Priority Group households. Non-Priority Group households can receive the service by paying the $33 REPS Surcharge. Downlight upgrades through the REPS program are…

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SA Government initiative can help your home save on energy costs

SA Government initiative can help your home save on energy costs More than 80,000 South Australian homes have saved on energy costs with FREE energy-saving products. These products tackle 3 areas of your home’s energy use: Save on energy costs with LED lights Emerald Planet LED a-globes Emerald Planet Candle Series Emerald Planet Floodlights Find…