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    1. Hi David! A member of our team will reach out to you shortly. Alternatively, feel free to call 1300 894 745.

  1. Hi,
    can you please let me know if I am eligible for free led downlight upgrade. I live in Melrose Park and have 9 halogen downlights in my kitchen that I would like replaced.. I am on a aged pension.

    Kind regards
    Freda Garas

    1. Hi Freda! Downlights are unfortunately not covered under the REPS scheme. Feel free to contact us via this page or by calling 1300 894 745 if you have any further queries.

  2. I am interested in your available options for aged pensioners. My sister received a free eco showerhead and had all her old light bulbs replaced free. I am an aged pensioner also. What can be done to improve our energy efficiency please?

  3. I am also a pensioner and have a number of halogen recessed downlights in our house, the cost of which has been drawn to my attention. Are we able to have these replaced at an acceptable cost within your organization?
    Thank you

    1. Downlights are included as part of the REPS scheme, however the subsidy set for the activity is too low to provide any benefit to the customer, as DEM and ESCOSA deemed the energy savings of this activity to be minimal.

      Previously we have provided the service when the energy savings/subsidy was higher under the REES scheme, however in 2021 the scheme changed to REPS and the value for the activity dropped.

      Due to this, YESS DO NOT upgrade downlights to LEDs, because for us to do so would be at standard market rates for the customer and as a company we have made the decision to not operate in this field.

      Apologies for the disappointing nature of this news.

  4. I think i have missed the boat but worth a try.
    I have six Fluro lights in my garage, we are retired and a friend of mine said give it a go.
    Thanks Graeme.

  5. Hello. What watts led globes can you supply. The globes I have at the moment are the spiral type and the house has very high ceilings. Light in all the rooms are very dim so would like to know if you can help and for how much. On a pension. Thanks John.

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