10 Tips to Save Energy at Home this Summer
With temperatures rising and the sun getting hotter, it’s important to take steps to save energy at home this summer. We’ve put together ten easy tips that anyone can use to help reduce their energy consumption, save money, and lower their impact on the environment. These tips will help you save energy at home, whether you live in an apartment or your own house, whether old or new.
1. Use fans to circulate air
Fans can be a great way to stay cool, but they can also be a great way to reduce energy waste. This reduction is because when you turn on the fan, you are circulating the air and creating a wind that can make you feel up to 5 degrees cooler than if the air was stationary. It’s important to know that the fan won’t lower the temperature of your home or office; it will just make it more bearable by speeding up sweat evaporation. Your AC unit uses less energy the faster the air circulates in your home.
If it is not super hot outside, you can increase your home’s airflow by pointing your fan toward your windows and about one meter from it. This will lead to the hot air leaving your room so cool air can come into your home.
This video will explain it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw&t=20s
2. Make sure you have good insulation
Insulation is vital when it comes to reducing energy waste in your home. If you’re doing some construction or remodelling, ensure your building has the proper insulation. Or, if you’re buying a new home, choose one that already has adequate insulation installed. Insulating the walls can account for up to 20% heat loss, so it’s an excellent place to start. Ceilings and roofs can account for up to 45% of heat gain, so make sure yours are insulated. You can also install a programmable thermostat, which can lower your heating and cooling costs by up to 10%.
If replacing your insulation is not an option, there are still plenty of other ways to save energy and reduce the amount of cool air escaping your house. Weather-sealed doors and windows, for example, will help keep the AC cool air inside during the summer months. And replacing old drafty windows with newer energy-efficient ones could also drastically lower your monthly bills.
3. Ensure that your home is ventilated
One of the most effective ways to reduce energy waste and save money is by letting air flow through your home. Move furniture around to create better airflow, open windows and use fans to circulate the air. If possible, keep your curtains and blinds closed during the day to block out the sun’s heat. When it comes to cooking, try using a microwave or slow cooker instead of an oven so that you’re not heating your kitchen in the summertime.
4. Use window shades or blinds
Install shades or blinds on windows that receive the most sunlight throughout the day. This will save energy and money by preventing the sun from heating your home while you’re away. Ensure your house is well insulated: Insulation can keep heat out during summer, so make sure yours is good enough. Close vents in unused rooms: Ventilation is crucial for many reasons, but during summer, it can be too much of a good thing to leave them open when they’re not needed.
If you have floor or ceiling vents, close them when they’re not needed. Keep your home’s temperature even: Set the AC that’s low enough to keep you and your family comfortable, but don’t lower it beyond that.
5. Dry your clothes on a line
The sun is an excellent energy source; using it can save you money. Not only that but hanging your clothes outside helps them dry faster, saving energy in your dryer and preventing excess wear and tear on your clothing. In most cases, all you need is a clothesline or drying rack! Just make sure it’s well-ventilated to avoid getting mouldy. Hang your clothes one layer thick so they dry evenly. Clothes need airflow so that they’re able to dry quickly and efficiently. You can also take advantage of the breezes by hanging things like sheets or towels outside on a nice day. Windy days are perfect for drying laundry! Always use clothespins so that items don’t blow off unexpectedly.
6. Buy energy-saving appliances
If you’ve been looking for ways to save money this summer, it’s time to look at your appliances. Newer appliance models are more energy efficient, so if you’re looking to replace your appliances, it may be worth waiting until you can find a more energy-efficient model than the one you currently own. Suppose your dishwasher is over a decade old, for example. In that case, it might be worth upgrading because new dishwashers use about 25% less water and 50% less energy than older models. And newer refrigerators use about 20% less energy than their predecessors. Plus, they can save you a lot of money long-term, so making the switch is a great way to save energy this summer.
7. Unplug appliances when they are not in use
The easiest way to save energy in your home this summer is by unplugging appliances when they are not in use. When you unplug your devices, you are preventing them from drawing power, which will save both money and energy. Examples of appliances that should be unplugged when not in use include: TVs and cable boxes, DVD players, microwaves, video game consoles, printers, lamps and other light fixtures.
It’s also a good idea to take advantage of natural light when possible instead of using electric lights. Doing this can cut back on electricity costs and CO2 emissions.
8. Adjust your water heater temperature
Most domestic hot water heaters in Australia require storing water above temperatures of 60°C to provide hot water whenever needed. Lowering your temperature to 60°C can reduce your energy usage and stay compliant with Australian laws; it will also extend the life of your hot water system. However, be careful not to get your hot water system below 60°C because Legionella bacteria can grow in your water heater. Make sure that your tank is insulated. If not, use an insulating blanket or a heating cable to keep the water from cooling down too quickly.
9. Save energy by replacing old bulbs with LEDs
If you’re looking for a way to save energy this summer, swapping your old bulbs for LEDs could be the answer. LED lights use up to 80% less energy than regular bulbs and last up to 20 times longer. They are also more durable and easier on your eyes than traditional bulbs. LEDs emit less heat, so they’ll keep your house cooler during the hot summer months. Before investing, you’ll want to ensure that any new lighting fixtures or appliances you purchase have LEDs. And don’t forget about outdoor lights – landscape lighting and security lights should all have them installed by a professional electrician if not already there!
10. Use a power strip to turn off multiple devices at once
If you have a lot of electronics in your home, it can be hard to figure out how to save energy. With a power strip, you can use one device for many appliances and turn them all off with one button! Simply plug your devices into the power strip and push the button when you finish using them. It couldn’t be easier! You don’t need to touch any of your devices – they’ll automatically turn themselves off. When not in use, turn off lights: another way to save energy is by turning off lights whenever you leave the room or go outside. The same goes for other household items that are left on unnecessarily.
South Australian residents can access multiple benefits thanks to the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS). These benefits include:
- Rebates on new energy-efficient appliances
- Significant discounts on air conditioning units and installation
- Secondary fridge recycling
- Commercial LED updates and more.
Check out our services here.
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